Above: Zenith Carburetor Fits Various Tractors
Allis Chalmers B, C. Also Zenith Carburetors for Allis Chalmers
WC and Allis Chalmers WD Tractors. Give us a call and we will
assist you with your Carburetor needs.
Zenith tag #s 10903 224640.

Carburetor Repair
Is your carburetor giving you fits?
Bring it or ship it to us.
We rebuild Carburetors every day of the week.
Carburetors can be very frustrating. Most folks have a hard time getting
them cleaned and when it comes to jets, that's another story.
You can
virtually destroy your carburetor trying to get jets out.
We are very good at rebuilding carburetors and rebuild carburetors for
people all over the United States.
Just bring it in or send us your problem carb and we will do the rest.
We don't use stinky acid such as carburetor cleaners. We bead blast them
to bring them back to life and clean out all the passages with the
proper drills. And those hard to get out jets that tear the screw slot?
well we get those out too.
We also sell quality new carburetors. In some cases the new carburetor
replaces yours and makes your machine run much better than your old one
ever did.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed so give us a try.
We stock a large supply of carburetor parts, floats, carb
kits, needle & seats and fuel pumps for do-it-yourselfers.
John Deere Carburetors, Farmall Carburetors, Marvel
Schebler, Zenith, Carter, Holly and others.
Some Rebuilt Carburetors
on the shelf ready to install.
Rebuilt Farmall F20 K5 Carburetor
Part Number:

Farmall 400 - 450
Rebuilt Carburetor
Rebuilt Farmall M MV W6 Carburetor
Part Number:
Above: Allis Chalmer B Allis Chalmer C
Marvel Schebler Rebuilt Carburetor
Part Number: Call for Information