Bob's corner
Blast From The
Past Web Pages? Now What? Ok, well I use to be
really busy on my Bob's corner web site. Owning a business can make
you go in directions you really don't want to go and can take up
more of your personal time than you want. Most of my web pages were
and are built by me while most of you are snug in your bed. So, I
honestly let my old site go to the wayside. Now, I'm back and I'm
posting web pages I created long ago. There are pages of tractors we
repaired, car repair and Mackinac Bridge Crossing Event pages
and more that I personally created just for the fun of it and to
help others with repairs and to keep them up with the bridge
crossing. Solving mechanical problems on just about anything
man creates is what we do. So I'm just sharing my findings with all
of you. Like I tell the guys, you better learn all you can
from me while you can because I won't be around forever, nobody is.
This is my way of sharing my experiences with others and it's
TOTALLY FREE! Imagine that! So click around for the fun of it,
who knows, you may learn something from me. lol
All Blast From The Past Web Pages
will have a Red
BP beside
the name.
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