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You can purchase the 12 volt conversion parts separate from Owosso Tractor Parts. See below list and click what your looking for.
Just Finished

Farmall Super H 12 Volt Conversion Kit for a Customer.

All went well with this job and the tractor turns over a lot easier and starts great.
We also changed over all of the lighting to 12 volt.
Took it for a test run and it is set for pickup by the customer.

Want your tractor changed over?  Bring it in and let us do the rest.
We change other manufacture company tractors over to 12 volt as well.

We will change the complete charging system to 12 volts and change your lighting system as well.
Be sure to check your fan belt while you are at it. Bend it outward and check for cracks. Good time to change it also.

For do-it-yourselfers we can supply you with everything to change your old 6 volt system over for a more reliable 12 volt system. Lights and all.
Old 6 Volt Generator System Farmall Super H This Tractor Is In Great Shape
New Ammeter Installed New Alternator, Belt, Brackets and Wiring Old 6 Volt Generator System
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Finished Repairs

 Allis Chalmers D14
 Case 580 Shuttle
 Massey Ferguson 65
Farmall Super H
John Deere 2840
 John Deere 4020
Ford 8N Restored
Oliver 1600 Hy. Pmp
Minn. Mo. Jet Star 4
MF 35 Hitch Pin
Ford 8N Overhaul
MF 165 Shift Fork
Component Repair
Starter Repair
Magneto Repair
Carburetor Repair
Engine Overhaul
Hyd. Cyl. Repair
JD 3010 Hyd. Pump
JD 2 Cyl. PS. Pump
JD 2 Cyl. PS Ctrl. V
Massey 65 Block Heater
Coil Test Pony Motors
Oliver 1955 Pump
Oliver 77 Hyd. Pump
Ford 8N Hyd Pump
Ford 9N / 2N Hyd Pump
John Deere Engines